pspasswd \\远程计算机IP -u 域内有管理权限的用户名 -p 域内有管理权限用户的密码 远程计算机本地管理员账号 修改后的远程计算机本地管理员账号的密码
password \\ -u abc.com\Dadmin -p !@#123Qwe Administrator !@#$_ABcd
password \\c:\ip.txt -u abc.com\Dadmin -p !@#123Qwe Administrator !@#$_ABcd
c:\ip.txt 文件中存放需要修改密码的计算机的IP地址,每行一个地址。
PsPasswd v1.22 - Local and remote password changer
PsPasswd changes passwords on a local or remote system.
Usage: pspasswd [\\[computer[,computer,[,...]|Domain]|@file] [-u Username [-p Pa
ssword]]] Username [NewPassword]
computer Direct PsPasswd to perform the command on the remote
computer or computers specified. If you omit the computer
name PsPasswd runs the command on the local system,
and if you specify a wildcard (\\*), PsPasswd runs the
command on all computers in the current domain.
@file PsPasswd will change the password on the computers listed
in the file.
-u Specifies optional user name for login to remote
-p Specifies optional password for user name. If you omit this
you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.
Username Specifies name of account for password change.
NewPassword New password. If ommitted a NULL password is applied.